Chemistry shop on campus / Magasin de chimie
There is a very nice shop on campus where you can buy all you need for a chemistry/biology lab: chemicals, glassware but also pipette tips, plastic, and small lab equipments (micropipette, etc). It is located at tour 42-43, 1er étage (Opening hours: 9h-12h et 14h-17h).

It is generally even cheaper than UGAP (which is already cheaper than everything else).

Direct link to the list of products (195 pages, 10000 references - from May 2018 - OUTDATED PRICES)

The shop does not carry all these references on shelves. But one can order whatever we want, and then go pick up a few days later.

To buy something there, take the notebook (“cahier de liaison”) at Malika‘s office and go with it to the shop. You will also need this notebook to buy solvents at “Soute de solvants” opened lundi, mercredi et vendredi de 9h30 à 11h30.

Who pays?