Table of Contents

Wood cutting

There is a very useful wood cutting shop, just a street from the campus(14 rue du Cardinal Lemoine): Bois Détail Compas

It is possible to purchase wood parts there, but more importantly they have all the equipments to cut anything.

Comment payer?


Lastest info on the matinfo marché at (it seems that, as of Nov 2022, there is HP for laptops).


Any one can choose a pre-set or set-up a custom configuration at LDLC-pro.

Otherwise, there is a market for desktop and laptop PC: Dell. It's globally more expensive and of low quality when you get out of the beaten tracks.
To choose, modify, and place an order, you need to go through matinfo :


For Apple computers, you need to go through Econocom:
Send an email to to get access to online catalog (

Office supplies

There are office supplies (envelopes of various sizes, pens, pencils, etc) in the wooden cabinet in the hallway of the 4th floor. There is also some stuff near the printer/copier on the 4th floor, and in the reserve room of the 4th floor as well.

Promega fridge

There is a Promega fridge in the SIARE, with various molecular biology and biochemistry kits.

How to use? How to pay?

Magasin matière