Confined Use of GMOs at the Jean Perrin Laboratory
- Class 1 GMOs = Room 509
- Class 2 GMOs = Room 507 ⇒ WARNING: Access strictly restricted to authorized personnel.
see Nicolas Fix-Boulier for more information (he handled the last GMO authorization requests (2024))
Procedure for requesting authorization for the use of GMOs
You need an authorisation to purchase GMO (OGM in french), delivered by the Ministry of Research.
An authorisation (class 1) was requested by Marina, Nelly and André in 2019. The authorisation is not for the whole lab but for a project.
Your contact at SU is:
Rayane HADJI
Ingénieur de Prévention
Direction de Prévention des Risques Professionnels
Tour 55-65 ; 4ème étage ; Case courrier n°199
The website of the Ministry is:
You have to fill in some information into the website above, upload your project files/ Then print the request document from the website, make it sign by the Director and by Rayane HADJI and send it to the Ministry by mail.
An authorization (for class 1) was requested by Marine, Nelly, and André in 2019. This authorization is not for the whole lab but for a project. A model of one project that we submitted for authorisation is:
New regulatory provisions for the uses of OGM in a confined environment have been made at the beginning of 2022.
For more information: