CROUS Restaurant Access
There are several Restaurants, Cafeterias etc. on the Campus. For some of them (especially the canteen) you cannot pay directly with your money but you need an Izly account - or a card linked to it - on which you will load money.
For CNRS agents, you need to send an email with your sorbonne mail to saying that you want to acces the administrative restaurant of Jussieu, fill out and send back the form you will receive. When your request will be accepted, you will receive an email inviting you to create an Izly account, an then you will have acces to the restaurant.
For people with a SU contract, you will automatically receive an email inviting you to create an Izly account on your sorbonne mail adress once you'll be logged in the data base by HR, which normally comes directly after signing the work contract, and the creation of your email adress. If you have any issue, you can contact the address and ask for information.
It is not anymore possible to go to the canteen office with your work contract, as the procedure is fully remote now, the agents there won't be able to do anything. Instead, contact the email adress given previously corresponding to your case.
Payment at the canteen is associated to the online service Izly ( or mobile app Izly). You can can generate a QR code on this app and pay with it at the canteen. It is also possible to create a canteen card linked to your Izly account by going to the office (small wooden hut on the left entering in the building), open normally form 11:30 to 14:00. To load money on the account, you can use the app, the website ou the office if you have a card.
The creation of an Izly account is only possible for researchers, pHd, postdocs. For interns, ask Malika and/or your PI to have prepaid tiquets.